The Garbage Collector
“I refuse!” said the garbage collector. “Mi rifiuto!” disse il netturbino. Donahue, Darin.
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“I refuse!” said the garbage collector. “Mi rifiuto!” disse il netturbino. Donahue, Darin.
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What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick. Come si chiama un boomerang che non torna indietro? Un bastone. Donahue, Darin.
I wanted to make a joke/ witty remark about traveling in time, but it didn’t please you. Volevo fare una battuta sui viaggi nel tempo, ma non vi è piaciuta. Donahue, Darin.
A traveling salesman visits a rural farmhouse. As he finishes his sales pitch to the family, a pig with two wooden legs limps across the living room floor. Surprised, the salesman asks, “Why does the pig have two wooden legs?” The farmer replies, “Let me tell you about that pig. I was out on the
Beth calls her friend James from the motorway on her cell phone. She tells James to be careful, because the radio says there is a nut on the motorway driving in the wrong direction. James replies, “Yeah, there are hundreds of them!” Source: Adapted from Carroll, Noel. Humour: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford
Julie calls the newspaper to post a notice of the death of her husband Fred. She asks the clerk at the paper how much the notice will cost. “Five pounds per word,” the clerk replies. “Oh, my,” sighs Julie. “Well, then, write this: Fred died.” She hangs up. Feeling sorry for Julie, the clerk calls
On a flight from London to the U.S., a law student takes a seat next to a veteran lawyer. The veteran lawyer sizes the student up and suggests, “Let’s play a game.” “What game?” asks the student. “I ask you a question. If you can’t answer it, you give me five pounds. Then you ask
Two Scottish nuns travel to the U.S. One nun tells the other, “You know, in America they eat dogs.” They land in New York and take a cab into Manhattan. Later that day, they take a walk. The nuns see a hot dog stand and order two hot dogs. The first nun takes hers out
An Irishman walks into a New York bar and orders three shots of Irish whiskey. He drinks them all, then orders another round of three shots, and so on for some time. Finally the bartender asks the Irishman why he always orders his drinks in sets of three. The Irishman explains that he likes to
“Have you been telling people I’m stupid?” “Why, is it a secret?” “Ču vi diris al homoj, ke mi estas stulta?” “Kial? Ču tio estas sekreto?” Taylor, Jeremy and Time Owen. Lernu Esperanton Per Ŝercoj: Esperanto-English Joke Book. Middletown, DE: Language Learning Jokes, 2022.