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ááá” á„á á„áááá Fanosi ina birichâikâowi 1. á áá” ášááá” áá„á«á” á á”á«á ášáźá«áŁ Anidi yefanosi mebirati besirawi yekora 2. á„ááČá áČá á°áŁá ášá„ááá áá«áŁ InidÄ«hu sÄ«li tetâala kebirichâikâo gara 3. á„á áá áá„á«á± á„ááá ášáá°á„ᣠInÄ nenyi mebiratu birihani yemisetâi 4. ášááá á á„áጠášááááá„ᣠChâelemani ÄtâifichÄ yemigelaliti, 5. á áá° áá á„áᎠá„ááČá á°á°áá ášá ᣠAnite gini ifÄ«tÄ inidÄ«hi tedenikâirehi, 6. ááá«áŹá ášá ážá á„ááČá«á á°áá”ášá ᣠZuriyayÄni kebeẖenyi inidÄ«yawi tegetirehi 7. á áááŁáá á„á ášáá”á°á«á á”á«áŁ Aligebanyimi inÄ yemitiserawi sira, 8. á„ááá á©á á°áᶠá°áá á„ááłá«á á«áŁ BirihanÄ ruki deriso demiko inidayabera, 9. á„áá áá” á„ášááá á”á«áŹá á áłá„áᣠInikâifati iyehonihi sirayÄni Ätatâifa 10. ááá á á ášáᎠá„ááá áá”ááą Geleli beli kefÄ«tÄ birihanÄ yisifa. á„áááá birichikowi 11. á áááááŽá ášááá„á á„áá”ᣠAgeligilotÄma kehonebihi tâifati 12. á„ááá”á ááá° ášááá©á á„áá áá”ᣠIwinetima lanite kehonikuhi inikâifati, 13. ááá”áá á„áș áŠáł áááá áá ᣠLihÄ«dilihi ishÄ« bota lilikâekâilihi, 14. á„áá°áá„á á á„á« á„áá°áááá”á áą Inidelibihi Äbira inidefilagotihi 15. á„áááá á°áááź áČáá áá” áŠáłáŁ Birichikowi tenagiro sÄ«lekileti bota 16. Kegoni yenefese yenefasi shiwita, áŹáá áááᎠááááČ áșááł 17. ááŁá áá„á«á±á á á áá áŁáá” á ááłáŁ Metana mebiratuni Ätefawi banidi Äfita, 18. ášááá” á°ášáá áá á ááá±áŁ Yenikati derejawi ziki bemaletu 19. ááášá” á á á¶á” á„á áá ášááłá±áŁ Meleyeti Äkâitoti tâikâimuni kegudatu 20. á°áŁá„áź áá”á«á”á á«á°áááá ášáá±áą Tebabiro mesiratini yaderigewali kenit
The flame and the glass The flame is prideful of his work, Thus he started an altercation with the glass Iâm the light, I give lumination, I turn off the dark, I open the light, You, glass, are trespassing, you are not welcome, You are circling around abrasively in my face I donât understand, how you work your work, My light reaches far, but you hinder my brightness You are an obstacle, you are ruining my work, Go away, let my light go further. The glass If my service is a mistake, If your belief is that Iâm an obstacle I will leave, I will give you your space Burn as bright as your heart desires. When the glass spoke this and let the flame go Suddenly, from the side a gust of wind came, The gust of wind turned off the light in a split second. The flame was not very wise, He couldn't distinguish the cost and benefits, Now itâs too late to work TOGETHER.
About the poem
Fanosi ina birichicowi, the flame and glass, is a poem used to teach children to work together. However, it is treasured for being the ideal Ethiopian poem due to its hyper-symmetrical structure, a quality chased by gitim, the most practiced poetry form in Ethiopia.
- Each line has 2 phrases
- Every phrase has 6 syllables
- Each stanza has 20 lines
Dr. Kebede Mikael is an Ethiopian literary giant and scholar whose works span from the â40s to the â70s. He produced a total of 26 works, including translations of “Romeo and Juliet” and “Macbeth,” into the Ethiopian national language, Amharic. Dr. Mikael is credited for influencing many Ethiopian writers and intellectuals.