
The Sword

A Norwegian went to a museum. The tour guide was explaining: “This sword is over 2500 years old.” The Norwegian paused for a second to think about it and then asked: “How is that possible? We are only in the year 2022.” En nordmann gikk på museum. Turlederen forklarte: “Dette sverdet er over 2500 år

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How do gloves greet each other when they meet on the street? They shake hands. Cosa fanno i guanto quando si incontrano per strada?  Si salutano con unda stretta di mano. Zukhare, Muhammad Sibghatullah Shah, ed. Italiani Scherzi per bambini. Middletown, DE, 21 Oct. 2023.

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Math Book

Why does a math book have to be so smart? Because it’s got a bunch of problems to solve. Perché  il libro di matematica deve ser cosi intelligente? Perché ha un sacco di problemi da risolvere. Zukhare, Muhammad Sibghatullah Shah, ed. Italiani Scherzi per bambini. Middletown, DE, 21 Oct. 2023.

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