History of the Museum
The idea of a National Language Museum in the Nation’s Capital began in 1971 among a group of expert linguists, language specialists, and language enthusiasts who were intrigued by the potential of a unique kind of museum. Over decades of feasibility studies, startup pains, and slow but steady incremental growth, The National Museum of Language (NML) opened its doors in May of 2008, sustained by a nearly all-volunteer governing board and roster of docents. The physical exhibit was closed in September 2014 and a new focus on development of virtual exhibits began. The NML has reached out to and collaborated with numerous national, regional and local organizations and supporters similarly devoted to language education, appreciation and public recognition and support. These activities include traveling and loan exhibits to various local and regional “high impact” venues and a regularly scheduled speaker series featuring experts on diverse topics in language, culture, and language science.
Moving into the future of the museum, our outreach, education, and curatorial activities will emphasize powerful on-line and on-site technologies, both in the museum and with traveling exhibits to schools, libraries, community centers and other locations, to extend our services into targeted communities, a “mobile museum”. Since August 2014, the National Museum of Language has been an entirely virtual museum – open 24/7!
A Vision for the Future–A Vision for Today
Mission Statement: The National Museum of Language honors and supports language acquisition, utilization and preservation, along with linguistic and cultural diversity. Through our outreach activities and online resources, we celebrate the magic and beauty of human communication.
By fostering the study of the nature of language, its development, and its role and importance in society, and by exploring linguistic problems and ways of overcoming them, the Museum will serve as a resource for people in all walks of life, and will contribute to better understanding and communication among individuals and among the peoples of the world.
The National Museum of Language will establish collections of research materials relating to language in a variety of fields and develop programs and exhibits to explore language in society and its essential role in the histories of civilizations and cultures.
Resident and traveling programs will address audiences of all ages and include the linguistic heritage of America and the nature and the role of language throughout the world.
The Museum will promote and conduct research in language and linguistics and will cooperate with other organizations, institutions, and individuals to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.