Mission Statement

The National Museum of Language honors and supports language acquisition, utilization and preservation, along with linguistic and cultural diversity. Through our outreach activities and online resources, we celebrate the magic and beauty of human communication. Three major themes govern presentations, exhibits and programs:
  • Universal Aspects of Language
  • Language in Society
  • Languages of the World

Vision Statement

We seek to lead others to their personal discoveries of language and languages.

To Educate and Inform

We undertake a range of initiatives offering “hands-on”, visual and audio exhibits, programs and presentations to educate, inform and entertain — the general public, school-age children and those with a deep or only a passing interest — on aspects of language, languages and language cultures.

A National Forum

The National Museum of Language brings together people from diverse language circles – academic, governmental, social, business, scientific, literary, technological – and provides a public forum through which they can focus  attention on language as a human phenomenon and languages within broad cultural settings.

Support the Museum

Our members and donors support the work that we do. Please consider joining the museum today.