Never Say Never
A Greenlandic person doesn’t say never, he says tulukkat qaqortippata (when the crows turn white) “Greenland Jokes.” Upjoke, Accessed 22 June 2024.
A Greenlandic person doesn’t say never, he says tulukkat qaqortippata (when the crows turn white) “Greenland Jokes.” Upjoke, Accessed 22 June 2024.
I could try harder to be, but I guess I’m just not Inuit. “Greenland Jokes.” Upjoke, Accessed 22 June 2024.
How much would Greenland pay to buy America? Nothing. It’s a free country. “Greenland Jokes.” Upjoke, Accessed 22 June 2024.
Everything south of the border is a sea of violence and crime. Luckily, I live in Greenland. “Greenland Jokes.” Upjoke, Accessed 22 June 2024.
I asked my friend in Greenland, what it’s like living there. He told me it’s so great, he’s on top of the World. “Greenland Jokes.” Upjoke, Accessed 22 June 2024.
A Priest working in a remote parish in Greenland gets his yearly visit from his Bishop.The Bishop asks him, “How are you managing with the loneliness?”The Priest responds, ” If it wasn’t for my Rosary and my whiskey, I couldn’t make it. Would you like a shot of whiskey?” The Bishop nods his head yes.The
According to the Modern Language Association, between the years of 2013-2016, 651 foreign language programs were dropped by universities. In addition to this, many colleges are dropping all if not most language requirements for students of all ages and academic levels. This can be the result of two main factors: student interest and technology in
Threatened Language Programs in Universities Read More »
Language, along with culture, can be a powerful tool for creating community among a people no matter how spread apart they might be. The Saami Language is spoken by the indigenous people in Nordic countries and is classified as a Finno-Ugric language with its closest linguistic relatives being Finnish and Hungarian. But much like those
Language of the Month December 2023 – Saami Read More »
By Laura Standel Language learners, both independent and in a classroom, always strive for the same things when it comes to learning a new language: resources and practice. There have been many strategies, learning from books, watching movies, listening to music, and even in more recent decades — language learning apps. But even apps are
Language Learning with Chat GPT Read More »
Our Washington state liaison Dr. Michele Anciaux Aoki recommended an innovative program implemented at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) which provides accelerated pathways for students proficient in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Korean, Russian, or Spanish to earn a Language Minor in under one year or a Language Major in two to three years.