Teacher’s Corner

Young asian woman struggle with laptop computer

COVID-19 and Language Education: What occurred and what the future may hold

With the global pandemic that started in 2020, practices around teaching and learning were changed forever. Many schools were forced to pivot to online education very quickly in early 2020, and online education prevailed for many schools throughout the pandemic. While some schools reopened fully, others stayed in a hybrid or fully online stance for […]

COVID-19 and Language Education: What occurred and what the future may hold Read More »

Lesson Planning: A tool for the reflective practitioner

You might not think of lesson planning as teaching innovation, lesson planning actually can help educators to focus their teaching style, technology use, and delivery techniques. Lesson planning is often taught in language teacher preparation programs, but have you thought about why we promote lesson planning (other than a response “you have to”)? While often

Lesson Planning: A tool for the reflective practitioner Read More »

Using ACTFL Standards and Can-Do Statements to Help Create Baselines and Increase Proficiency in your new Classroom

One of the big debates over the past few weeks is how to make up for “lost learning” from last year. I know few teachers who think their classes, pacing, and curriculum meet their normal high standards during virtual learning. This does not say anything about our abilities as teachers, it is simply a fact

Using ACTFL Standards and Can-Do Statements to Help Create Baselines and Increase Proficiency in your new Classroom Read More »

Teacher’s Corner Digital Edition March 2021: Upping your Interactive Presentation Game

One of the greatest challenges of virtual teaching for me has been introducing new vocabulary. Although I have taken a more comprehensible input approach in the past few years, where will we read articles, watch videos, or listen to songs to learn new vocab, it is still a challenge to make sure that not only

Teacher’s Corner Digital Edition March 2021: Upping your Interactive Presentation Game Read More »

Teacher’s Corner December 2020: Using The Cultural Iceberg to Teach Holidays

As we all know as language educators, there really isn’t any “easy” part of our job. While we all have different areas of challenge and areas of expertise, one of the universally acknowledged most challenging areas for teachers is adding authentic culture in the classroom.  For many of us, culture in the language classroom as

Teacher’s Corner December 2020: Using The Cultural Iceberg to Teach Holidays Read More »