法官:你在偷人家珠宝时,不 感到心里不安吗?
fǎguān : nǐ zài tōu rénjiā zhūbǎo shí , bù   gǎndào xīn lǐ bùān má ?

小偷:先生, 老实说我当时心 里是很不安,因为我担心 偷到的是假货。
xiǎo tōu : xiānshēng , lǎoshí shuō wǒ dāngshí xīn   lǐ shì hěn bù ān , yīnwéi wǒ dānxīn   tōudào de shì jiǎhuò 

Judge:Didn’t you feel uneasy when you were stealing those jewels?

Thief: Yes sir. To be honest, I did. I was afraid that they could be fake.

法官 fǎguān judge
珠宝 zhūbǎo jewel
不安 bùān uneasy
假货 jiǎhuò fake goods


Liang, Yanmin. 幽默汉语 ( Humorous Chinese). 让烹诗玄 包出版社 (Beijing Language and Culture University Press), 2004.

Philogelos Joke 185

Another installment of the Philogelos, folks. Dan Crompton, the translator, uses the word “obstinate” to…

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I regret not being able to attend my own funeral to tell my best jokes.

Lamento no poder ir a mi propio velorio para contar mis mejores chistes.


Droznes, Lazaro. Humor Breve (Brief Humor). Unitexto Digital Publishing, 2023.

What is an atomic physicist’s favorite leisure activity?

Nuclear fishin’.


Thompson, Linda

Who is an atomic physicist’s favorite crime novel main character?

Perry Meson.*


Thompson, Linda.

* A meson is a subatomic particle which is intermediate in mass between an electron and a proton and transmits the strong interaction that binds nucleons together in the atomic nucleus.

Who is an atomic physicist’s favorite spy novelist?

Ion Fleming.

Source: Weschler, Jeffrey. “Daily Crossword.” L.A. Times, 21 Jan. 2022.

What worker is an atomic physicist’s favorite wall builder?

Stone meson.*


Weschler, Jeffrey. “Daily Crossword.” L.A. Times, 21 Jan. 2022.

* A meson is a subatomic particle which is intermediate in mass between an electron and a proton and transmits the strong interaction that binds nucleons together in the atomic nucleus.

What is an atomic physicist’s favorite side dish?

Boson* baked beans.

Source: Weschler, Jeffrey. “Daily Crossword.” L.A. Times, 21 Jan. 2022.

* A boson is a subatomic particle that has a spin in integer values such as zero, one, two, etc. It is named for the Indian mathematician and physicist S.N. Bose.

Who is an atomic physicist’s favorite Golden Age movie star?

Quark* Gable.

Source: Weschler, Jeffrey. “Daily Crossword.” L.A. Times, 21 Jan. 2022.

* Quarks are subatomic particles that form the building blocks of protons and neutrons. They were named by physicist Murray Gell-Mann as a reference to a passage in James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake.

What is an atomic physicist’s favorite cookie?

Fig Neutron.

Source: Weschler, Jeffrey. “Daily Crossword.” L.A. Times, 21 Jan. 2022.