The Languages of Science
This exhibit is tailored as a virtual field trip: infographics, presentations, online games, classroom activities and puzzles all contribute to developing an understanding of the origins of scientific names for living things and the categories into which we classify them..
The Power of Poetry: Resisting Injustice
with Language
Explore Poetry in 29 languages from 30 countries.
A Virtual Cruise to Puerto Rico
Explore the languages, natural beauty, food, music, history and culture of Puerto Rico
Dictionary of American Regional English
Play a game in the role of a language field researcher, read a graphic story of the adventures of field researchers for the dictionary.
Emerging American Language
in 1812
How was American English diverging from British English in 1812? Noah Webster documented these changes in his 1828 Dictionary of American English. We look at the events, people and language of the time period leading up to that publication.
Philogeos: The First Joke Book
, typically translated as “the joker” or “the one who loves laughter”, is an ancient Greek collection of approximately 265 jokes. Dating to the 4th or 5th century CE, it typically bears the title of the world’s oldest surviving collection of jokes.
Writing Language: Passing It On
In this exhibit we discuss writing systems that depict spoken languages. We explore two kinds of writing: logographic (like Chinese) and alphabetic, like those using the Roman alphabet.
Please choose an exhibit from the carousel displayed below.