וַיְהִי עֶרֶב
And it was Evening (VaYehi Erev)
A young girl gets in trouble for disturbing some chickens. The story was written by Fania Bergstein and illustrated by Haim Hausmann.
Summary of וַיְהִי עֶרֶב And it was Evening

First published in 1949, this picture book is a story composed in rhyme. It is based upon the second of 32 evenings whose events are related in What the Moon Saw, the 1840 story by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. Bergstein credited Andersen with the story on her cover, and expanded on it. In her storybook a well-meaning little girl is scolded by her father for disturbing the hens in a hen house. Afterwards he comforts her when he realizes she meant well. The 19th-century setting was easily changed to that of a kibbutz.
Read aloud by Ronit Ron-Yerushalmi | רונית רון-ירושלמי Director of Language and Global Studies at Kavod Charter School, a dual-language school in San Diego, California.
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