The Woodcutter

A woodcutter drinks from a special spring. Translated and voiced by Marian June Okada.

The Wonderful Furoshiki

A girl’s incredible furoshiki (wrapping cloth) saves the day. Translated and voiced by Mari Okamura.

Details about The Wonderful Furoshiki (すっきなふろしき)

This story by Mari Okamura is part of a collection of seven stories produced in partnership with The Canadian Commission for UNESCO. It is called Best of All Worlds, and is available from At One Press. The stories edited by Gina Valle in The Best of All Worlds were originally written in Arabic, Farsi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Each of the stories are translated into English and French, and have illustrations. In this way the book showcases the mother languages of the writers and creates pride among the children speaking that language, and promotes diversity and international understanding through multilingualism and multiculturalism among young readers.

To hear the story in French, see Le meilleur monde imaginable.

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