From Patrick Wallace, Program Specialist, Georgia Department of Education Curriculum & Instruction / World Languages and Global Workforce Initiatives
There is a great deal happening in our area and I’m excited to share some updates with you as we move further into 2022. I struggle to think of a time when world languages had more projects underway at the state level then at this present time. As the date for our annual state FLAG conference in March approaches this year, I am reminded of how thankful I am to be a part of one of the USA’s absolute best communities of world language and DLI educators at all levels.
Collectively, our work is forging new opportunities and supports for programs and students in Ga and is essential to preparing Georgia’s workforce to meet the state’s present and future needs domestically and internationally. Thank you for your continued efforts and dedication!
Want to stay informed of the latest updates and info? Follow us on FB & Twitter @gadoeworldlanguages
Now some quick updates……

Currently, we have 14 Professional Learning Communities that are up and running to assist and support you this spring semester. View the program website here. Download the calendar below.
In addition, we have launched a new PLC dedicated to connecting with individuals seeking information on how to enter the teaching profession. The next session will be conducted in Spanish on Saturday, Feb 19th at 10am.

Don’t forget to share with your students about Georgia’s Seal of Biliteracy Program! We are looking forward to celebrating the success of our students in the spring! The seal is currently available in over 100 languages. Orders can be placed through this form.

The International Skills Diploma Seal Program also continues to expand since its beginnings in 2015. Now over 110 high schools across the state offer access to their students for this increasingly important achievement as Georgia strives to build a global ready workforce for today and tomorrow’s world. The number of International Skills Diploma Seal recipients has steadily risen since the inception of the program. The deadline for ISDS STAR Student Nominations by school is Monday, April 11th. Teachers can submit ISDS STAR Student information via this online portal.
- I’m excited to report that work will soon be underway for the development of an unprecedented number of curriculum resources to support WL educators across our state. Our hope is that by the start of the 2022-2023 school year, we will have sample unit and lesson plans available for Ga educators in Spanish, French, German and ASL. Our intention is to expand this work across all grade levels as well as expand to include other languages as we move forward in time. This initial work is important as we clarify the process, framework and procedures to be used for the work to come as well.
- Likewise, for the first time in Ga history, we will begin the work of developing curriculum support materials at the state level for Dual Language Immersion programs beginning with French and Spanish in the area of science. This initial work, likewise, is expected to be completed at the close of this school year and will be available to support teachers in these programs for years to come and will expand into the area of math in the near future.
- Additional programs are in the planning stages, including preparation for DLI workshops for teachers and administrators, expanded opportunities for virtual workshops for teachers focusing on connecting WL and STEM/STEAM concepts, building new online PD programs for both WL and DLI, connecting virtual classrooms across countries and continents as well as video projects to highlight the importance of WL/DLI instruction and programs….and more.
- I am also happy to report that our initiative of a statewide WL/DLI/ESOL Job Fair, which we began as an innovative step forward in 2017 and that we rapidly adapted to an online format in 2020 with the onset of the pandemic, has provided the seed for a soon to be revealed, GaDOE statewide Virtual Job Fair site to span across curriculum areas and serve all Ga districts in helping to recruit talent and connect talent with opportunities and information. More information on that portal will come available in March.

The Annual FLAG conference is at the doorstep and will take place in Augusta on March 4-5th. Online registrations close on Friday, Feb 11th after which all registrations will be walk in only. To find out more information follow this link.

It’s time for another World Languages Collaborative Conference! This spring’s conference will be held on Saturday, Feb 26th from 9am – 12:15pm. Register and find out more via this link. Join us as we reconnect and recharge together!
- FLAG Spoken Language Update: The2022 Spoken Language Contest will be held VIRTUALLY on Saturday March 19. For more information follow this link.
- Congratulations to Union Grove High School in Henry County for being the latest school to be approved to offer the International Skills Diploma Seal to students! 8 High Schools in Henry County now offer the seal to students!
- Applications are now open for ACTFL study abroad scholarships! Scholarships are available for one, two, or three-week experiences in multiple locations: Argentina, France, Greece, Mexico, and Spain. #langchat Learn more and apply by March 16 at this link.
- Congratulations to Dr. Mark Linskey, WL District coordinator for Savannah Chatham Schools, who has been tapped for one of three national director spots for the Leadership Institute for Language Learning through the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages!
- The deadline for the #ACTFL22 Call for Proposals has been extended to February 11, 2022. Submit a proposal via this link.
Thank you again for your continued service and for all you do for your students and your community!