National Library of Spain Exhibition “Hell and Wonders” by Richard Dabrowski
In November 2024, I had the opportunity to visit the National Library of Spain in Madrid, which recently opened a new permanent exhibition titled “Hell and Wonders” which could be of interest to teachers of Spanish [none of the materials are available in English or other languages].

I’ve used ChatGPT to summarize in English the announcement of the opening of the exhibition; the announcement in Spanish can be found at:
The National Library of Spain has inaugurated “El Infierno y las Maravillas” (Hell and Wonders), a permanent exhibition space aimed at promoting knowledge about the library’s
collections and emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural and bibliographic heritage. The space showcases treasures from the library’s collection and highlights works that have been censored alongside universally celebrated pieces.
The exhibition title draws from the dual nature of libraries: “El Infierno” refers to hidden, forbidden works, while “Las Maravillas” showcases valuable cultural treasures. The exhibition combines historical artifacts, digital technology, and interactive installations to provide a reflective journey through the history of human knowledge, from the origins of writing to future innovations. Highlights include facsimiles, censored books, and a mix of mediums, from manuscripts to modern digital archives.
The space is divided into four thematic sections:
- Creation, Reading: Knowledge.
- The Human Infernos.
- The Book of Wonders (with subsections on cartography and the expanded book).
- The Machines of Memory and the Future.
The exhibition encourages visitors to consider the evolution of communication, the preservation of knowledge, and the role of libraries in the digital age. Quotes from global literary and philosophical figures are interspersed to deepen engagement. Additionally, a comic for younger visitors introduces these themes through relatable characters, fostering accessibility.
Here’s a sample photo of the use of comics to appeal to elementary student visitors:
The exhibition webpage: [] is richly supplied with photos and a link to a YouTube video. There are also downloadable links to two levels of student guides [elementary and secondary] to accompany visitors to the exhibition. To summarize the ChatGPT summary: The exhibition serves as both a museum and a teaching tool, ideal for teachers and learners interested in cultural heritage, censorship, and the interplay of traditional and modern knowledge systems.

The PEARLL (Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning) Title VI Language Resource Center at the University of Maryland National Foreign Language Center is offering an in-person Leadership Academy this summer from July 12th to 14th, 2023. This academy is focused on enhancing the effectiveness of current or aspiring leaders in the language field. For additional information, see: Leadership Academy – PEARLL (