Maryland State Liaison Dr. Richard Dabrowski, who oversees Russian and
Ukrainian instruction for government employees, spent two weeks in Poland in
May attending a special course in Ukrainian at the University of Warsaw. His
report on his trip, lightly edited was as follows:
The timing of my current trip to Poland centers on a summer Ukrainian language and
culture program developed by the University of Alberta, which has the best Ukrainian
program in North America, by reputation. The course will be presented at the University
of Warsaw, since travel to Ukraine, where they would usually go is problematic due to
the conflict with Russia. The entire summer program would be six weeks long; I’m only
attending the first two weeks, which is enough to get a taste of their presentation of the
subject. I’m enrolled as a University of Alberta student, which will be the first time I’ll be
in a classroom in many years; it will be interesting to see the program as a participant.
Here I am at the gates to the historic core buildings of the university: