The Doorbell

A man was walking along the street when he saw a little boy who was trying to reach a doorbell.

“Here, let me help you,” said the kind old man.

“Thanks, mister,” said the little boy. “Now we’d both better run before we get caught.”

Viro promenis surstrate, kiam li vidis etan knabon, kiu strebas atingi pordsonorilon.

“Permesu, ke mi helpu vin,” diris la afabla.“Dankon, sinjoro,” diris la eta knabo. “Nun ni haste forkuru antaŭ oi iu kaptos nin.”


Source: Taylor, Jeremy and Time Owen. Lernu Esperanton Per Ŝercoj: Esperanto-English Joke Book. Middletown, DE: Language Learning Jokes, 2022.