UN Global Engagement Summit

On February 16, 2024, our Language Leadership Council representative from New Jersey, Rosanne Zeppieri attended a meeting sponsored by The United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA). Called the Global Engagement Summit, the conference was held at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York City.

The theme of the meeting was Pushing Forward For People and Planet. Ms. Zeppieri’s report follows.

The UNA-USA is a membership organization of Americans who work to support the ideals of the UN. It encompasses a national network of chapters, youth engagement, advocacy efforts, education programs and public events. There are more than 200 chapters across the US with 60% of members under the age of 25. Each group each embodies a commitment to the mission of the UN and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Approximately 1,000 advocates attended the 2024 Global Summit.

The overarching goal of this summit was to highlight actions currently going on and to inspire “bold action” by participants as they work to impact people and the planet. The UNA-USA brings the work of the UN to local communities around the country. One overarching theme was to inspire members to act locally in order to affect global changes. It was clear that the attendees were committed to this work, well-informed, and active individuals who strongly believe in the goals of the UN.

The program began at 10:00 AM in the Security Council Chamber. The entire program took place in this chamber with one break for lunch.  After opening remarks, we listened to a variety of interesting speakers who engaged the audience through question/answer sessions and small panel discussions.

Highlighted speeches and Panel Discussions:

Rachel Bower Pittman, executive director of the UNA-USA welcomed the attendees citing the work of the member groups for 80 years in forwarding civic engagement, gender equality, and sustainable development goals.

Mr. Stephane Dujarric, the UN spokesperson for the Attorney General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, hosted a question/answer session with attendees in which he highlighted the work of the UNA to bring global problems to light and to work toward relieving these issues starting at the local level. “The path to relieve global problems resides in each individual at the local level first.” Further, he mentioned that the UN has adopted an accountability of action making it necessary for any nation who vetoes an action to publicly explain his vote to the assembly members.

Session I dealt with human rights and technology. Mr. Kevin Kissel, Google Cloud Technical Director at Google, spoke at length about quantum computing and the work that his organization is currently carrying out. He has had a long history in computing both at Google and at other organizations. His comments comprised Artificial Intelligence and other aspects and uses of technology that are currently in use and others that will potentially be released in the near future. His comments were both interesting and informative, and he would most likely be of interest to the general public.

Vitorino Mello Oliveira, a Portuguese Diplomat, Adjunct Professor, and a member of the Portuguese Mission in New York City spoke about how to build a cohesive group agenda of young people with the goal of moving them from local to global actions. He mentioned that the unit in New York is a collaborative between the US and Portugal citing collective issues that both American and Portuguese youth value.

The Enduring Heartache of War was a strong topic for a small panel discussion. Two speakers, Dr. Zeinab Hijazi and Alona Volinsky spoke with passion on the topic of “The Enduring Heartache of War.” They focused on the impact on children growing up in war-torn areas, the lack of food, medical care, mental health support, and the rupture of families. Children, boys in particular, have no positive role models; the displacement of families and the rupture of families are felt for generations unless there are services to counteract the trauma; 30% of children in these areas suffer mental health problems.

David Ohana, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer of the UN Foundation (an excellent speaker!) talked about a variety of initiatives his group has organized. His mantra is “never leave an idea unrealized, especially one that can help others.” Currently he and his group are working on a communications message dealing with plastic found inside human beings.

Check out “I was here.” United Nations Humanitarian Day organized and produced by Mr. Ohana and his committee.

Anne Marie Hwa Hou addressed the assembly on fashion as a statement about who we are and what we stand for. She provided interesting fact on overproduction, the fashion industry and its impact on climate, and the unfair treatment of women and children in poor countries, individuals who are overworked and live in dismal conditions. A sustainable fashion show followed featuring a number of entrepreneurs who design and produce sustainable fashion. Prota Fiori is a luxury shoe brand made from sustainable footwear. Edelweiss Vogel is an artist from the Philippines who connects her craft with a commitment to sustainability. Remake is a global advocacy organization uniting change makers in the fight for human rights and climate justice in the clothing industry. Julieta Gaitan is a Colombian fashion designer fighting to reduce pollution and environmental damage in the textile industry, she has developed sustainable textiles and natural dyes using fungi.  A sustainable fashion show followed the presentations.