These Ukrainian Folk Stories have also been translated into Russian, and some of the illustrations are from Russian Versions of the stories. Stories assembled by Larissa Yatskevitch, edited by Victoria Volinski, and video editing by Jewel Britton.

Бджоли і ведмідь
The Eagle and
the Fox

The fox is able to see the world from an eagle’s point of view

Сліпий кінь
The Blind Horse

A man learns compassion for animals in need.

Наше багатство
Our Treasure

A mother teaches her daughter the importance of language and song.

Золоті яблука
The Golden Apples

A girl’s pet cow leads her to a better future.

Пан Коцький
Count Kotski

Animals prepare to conquer their fears and meet their new neighbor, Count Kotski.

Бджоли і ведмідь
The Bees and the Bear

The bees learn an important lesson in cooperation.


A fox helps reunite Sirko the dog with his owners.


A prince learns more about the daily life of the people in his kingdom, and fights for improvements.

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