NML Trustee Terri Marlow Wins James E. Alatis Award
This year, one of our very own Trustee Terri Marlow was awarded the James E. Alatis award by JNCL (Joint National Committee for Languages) in recognition for her work with Language Advocacy. The James E. Alatis Founder’s Award was named for the late Dr. James E. Alatis, a founding member of the JNCL-NCLIS, as well…

Language of the Month March 2025 – Arbëreshë
Recently we got another request from a friend who is a translator and speaks a minority language. She reached out because she wants to spread the knowledge of her language: Arbëreshë. Sounds like: ar-be-RESH-eh Arbëreshë, also known as Arbëresht, Arbërishtja, or T’arbrisht, is an indo-european, indigenous language to southern Italy that is used mostly by…

Interview with Gregory J. Nedved
Interview with Gregory J. Nedved: Exploring Language in Leadership and Presidential Language Skills In this exclusive interview, Gregory J. Nedved, a highly experienced military linguist, historian, and author, provides in-depth insights into his extensive career in cryptology, national security, and language research. Greg explores the fascinating connections between language in leadership in his book Presidential Foreign…

Language of the Month February 2025 – Armenian
Sometimes when we do these Languages of the Month, we can trace the language through a long classification. But with Armenian and its two dialects of Eastern and Western Armenian, all that can be said is that it belongs to its own branch within the Indo-European language family. Spoken by the Armenian population which is…

Language of the Month January 2025 – Karelian
This month we are focused on the White Sea Karelia, where the Karelian language is spoken by the Karelian people. It is spoken in Finland and the Karelian Republic in Russia, where it is considered a dialect of Finnish. While there is push-back on this idea, it is considered a Finno-Ugric language. There are two…

Become a Virtual Freelance Language Tester
Continuing with the theme of our previous article about language testing, this month we are looking at the application to become a freelance, online language tester for language professionals. This could be a great resource for language teachers and professors to use and make money off of their skills outside of the classroom. ACTFL is…