German Humor

Humor from German speakers

Dog Dances

Why do dogs make terrible dance partners?– They’ve got two left feet! Warum sind Hunde schlechte Tanzpartner?  – Sie haben zwei linke Füße! Lund, Erik. “10 German Jokes that are Actually Funny.” LifeHack, Accessed 27 Feb. 2024

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The Ventriloquist

A Ventriloquist, who was famous for producing animal sounds, challenged the audience that anyone who could name an animal that he could not produce would win $100.A voice from the crowd was heard: “Do a fish!” Ein Bauchredner, der dafür bekannt war, Tiergeräusche hervorzubringen, forderte das Publikum heraus, dass jeder, der ein Tier benennen kann, das er

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