Here is an excerpt from the English translation of the Preface that may be useful to provide some background for readers: “Humor as an art is the product and language and cultural development. China, with its long history, has developed a sophisticated language which is well suited for use in cartoons. Despite the humor of the Chinese people, it is true, as some foreign critics say, that Chinese cartoons lack humor. The reason is that China has had a long feudal period and semi-feudal period, under which the people did not have freedom to create works of humor and sarcasm. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century, that the art of cartoons became popular….As they became popular they tended to reflect the heavy suppression that China suffered under for nearly a century, the works produced by Chinese artists mainly depicted resistance to oppression….Under socialism, works of low taste are generally discouragedand often not accepted for publication. This collection reflects a humor which is acceptable to China under the present social conditions.”
Xu, Jingxiang. 200 Cartoons from China. China Today Press, 1990.